Abstract Submission
We welcome abstract submissions for poster presentations in the following categories
Crystal Features and
Engineering Designs
Molecular Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Molecular Interaction, Molecular Simulation, Defect Engineering, Computational Modelling, Special Crystal Properties, etc.
Basic Fundamentals and
Theory Advancement
Phase Equilibria, Nucleation, MSZW, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Population Balance Modelling, Crystal Growth Mechanisms, Multi-scale Modelling, etc.
Crystallization Process and
Particle Technology Innovations
Process Control, Particle Size Distribution, PAT, Process Intensification, Polymorph Control, Particle Synthesis, Nanotechnology, Particle Modification, Powder Rheology, etc
New Applications and
Transformative Approaches
Sustainability, Resource Recycling, Biomolecules, Crystalline Polymer, Biomineralization, Digitalisation, High Throughput Screening, Big Data Analysis, Machine Learning, etc.